Abbie Barbir

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Abbie Barbir, Ph.D., serves on the Steering Committee for the OASIS Telecom Member Section; his term extends to April 2010.

Dr. Barbir is a member of Nortel's Strategic Standards group, where he serves as Senior Advisor in the areas of Web services and Security. This role has involved him in many activities within OASIS, W3C, WS-I, OMA, ITU-T, Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC) JTC1 SC6, IETF, Parlay and IPSphere. He co-chairs the OASIS Technical Advisory Board. He also chairs the Cybersecurity question in ITU-T SG17 and is the vice chair of the CAC for JTC1 SC 6. In 2005, he represented OASIS to ITU-T and was instrumental in having the ITU-T consent the SAML and XACML OASIS Standards as ITU-T Recommendations.

Abbie holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, USA. In his more than 20 years in the software and telecommunication industry, he has been a professor of Computer Science in Western Carolina University, an application developer, data compression and encryption inventor, systems architect, security architect, engineering manager, consultant, author, and inventor of numerous security algorithms.


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